Together Enriching and Advancing Mustangs
Giving Back Through Store Rewards Programs
Looking for an easy and free way to give money to support School initiatives? Boones Mill Elementary PTO has worked with the following businesses to set up rewards programs that give back an existing portion of member purchases to the PTO.
Kroger Rewards
Make BMES PTO your community rewards designation. Create/link your Kroger Rewards card at: or stop at your local Kroger customer services desk and ask a representative for assistance. With this designation the PTO will receive a percentage of your purchases every quarter. This reward equals free money for the school and you still earn your gas rewards points at the pump. Please note that you need to re-link your card after August of each year for the rewards contribution to remain in effect. Our Kroger Rewards organization number is 92176.
Amazon Smile
Amazon gives back a portion of proceeds through this storefront to the PTO. You must use this link for qualifying purchases.
Be sure to download the new Box Tops app and scan your receipts with qualifying digital box tops. There are still some clipable box tops floating around so be sure to send those into your child's teacher when you collect them. Each box top is worth 10 cents towards the school.